
WPP全新活动营销网络命名为Geometry Global

2013-06-29 13:46:15
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奥美行动与G2合并,组建全球最大(之一)的活动行销公司,并且命名为Geometry Global。由Toby Hoare担任全球董事长、Steve Harding担任CEO、来自G2的Matthew Schetlick担任COO/CFO。新公司拥有雇员4000。

G2, OgilvyAction and JWTAction combine to form world’s largest activation agency 纽约/伦敦 — WPP集团于月中宣布正式启动全新的活动营销网络,并且命名为Geometry Global,以图将其打造成为全球最大以及最强的活动行销公司。 [备注:Geometry 几何学] 当然,这家新公司也不用白手起家,WPP将旗下现有的几家主要创意网络的活动营销单元团队和资产置入,包括奥美集团的奥美行动(OgilvyAction)、葛瑞集团的G2,以及智威汤逊旗下的JWTAction。其中JWTAction是奥美行动与JWT在北美地区的合资公司。 Geometry将拥有纽约和伦敦双总部,并且在全球56个市场,拥有一支多达4000人的服务团队。现任JWT欧洲区CEO及伦敦JWT董事长的Toby Hoare将兼任Geometry Global的第一任董事长;来自奥美行动的现任CEO Steve Harding则继续担任新公司的全球首席执行官;来自G2的现任COO/CFO Matthew Schetlick则担任新公司的COO/CFO的职位。Toby Hoare将坐镇伦敦,而CEO和COO两位则会坐镇纽约。 在成立Geometry Global之后,奥美行动和G2两家的名称将不复存在,而JWTAction则将作为一个独立单元,保持名称,归属于Geometry Global。(麦迪逊邦猜测,大概是为了避免客户冲突的原因) Geometry Global addresses increasing client demand for activation, which with the emergence of digital and mobile media, now results in reaching people both inside the store and outside the retail environment more effectively. Fast growth sectors in the industry, such as digital, social media, mobile and search drive growth in activation, as does the increasing importance of shopper marketing. According to Grocery Manufacturers Association’s “Shopper Marketing 5.0” study, shopper marketing alone is a US$50-60 billion category. That is up from an estimated US$35 billion in 2009. It is one of the fastest growing sectors in marketing. Geometry Global will service its clients with more resource, talent and a bigger geographical footprint than the component agencies could have achieved separately. The companies bring complementary expertise in consumer activation, trade marketing, shopper marketing, one-to-one marketing and digital activation. "With peoples’ attitudes and behaviors transformed by the digital and mobile revolution, traditional activation requires both a broader set of capabilities and a laser focused approach to be truly worth the increased investment from marketers," said Hoare. Harding added: "The global context adds another dimension as marketers and retailers alike look to capitalize on consumer spending in fast growing markets. Geometry Global combines all these together under one roof in more places around the world than any other network of its kind.” Geometry Global demonstrates WPP’s commitment to fast growing markets and sectors, such as activation and shopper marketing. Geometry Global will work closely with The Store, WPP’s global retail practice. Last year The Store brought together the specialist resources of over a dozen WPP companies to create The Shopper Marketing Store. That offer harnesses and provides easy access to world-class agencies and experts in the field via a single web portal. Geometry Global will also work closely with Kantar, WPP’s data investment management company, Barrows, a South Africa-based shopper marketing specialist operating in fast growing markets and Smollan Group. Smollan Group is a field marketing, brand activation, marketing intelligence and technology company operating on five continents.


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