
奥美集团全球副董事长Steven Hayden退休

2012-01-17 07:59:26
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全球- WPP集团旗下的奥美集团(Ogilvy & Mather)于新年后宣布,长期担任副董事长的Steve Hayden已经在圣诞节前夕从公司退休。 Steve Hayden自1994年开始任职于奥美公司,担任创意方面的主要领头人。在TBWA\Chiat\Day时期,他也是知名的苹果“1984”广告活动的推手之一。 Hayden在广告行业中起始阶段,是通用汽车的广告文案,而后任职于TBWA\Chait\Day和BBDO,在这两家公司都是主管苹果公司的创意事宜。 1994年,就在奥美获得IBM的全球传播业务之际,Hayden转而加入奥美服务于当时还是APPLE竞争对手的IBM业务。而奥美官方称, Hayden也是奥美服务摩托罗拉、美国运通和思科的关键人物。 在谭启明(Tham Khai Meng)从亚太区升任奥美全球创意官之前,担任该职位的就是Steve Hayden。Steve Hayden也是奥美集团的董事会成员。
以下为奥美集团全球董事长Shelly Lazarus和奥美集团全球CEO Miles Young联名发给内部的邮件。

We knew this day would come. We tried not to think about it. And then on Dec. 24, after 18 glorious years leading this agency, creating remarkable work that drove clients' businesses and mentoring us all Steve Hayden retired.

Steve's contributions have been enormous. He joined us at a time when we were young in our relationship with IBM. He was a legend when he came (thank you, Steve, for saying yes and coming East in the first place) and went on to do legendary work for IBM. He was central to one of the great brand transformations in history; and he made history for Ogilvy in the process.

But Steve has been about so much more than IBM. He was there in the lead when we won Motorola, SAP, Cisco, UPS, Lenovo, AT&T Wireless. And continued on, leading these businesses, along with so many others. Steve is tireless. He never said "no" when anyone needed help. He dove right in, no matter how much was already on his plate. In this past year, he has been involved with so many clients we almost forgot about Dec. 24.

Steve is wise and warm and kind. He has spent a career attracting talent and developing talent; and Ogilvy has been the beneficiary.

Steve is humble to a fault. That is why we will find occasions over the coming months to celebrate Steve, to tell him what his presence has meant to this agency, to each of us individually. We are planning an evening during our Board meeting in May in Brazil that will be all about Steve. Between now and then, feel free to tell Steve individually what he has meant to you.

Ogilvy is where we are today because of Steve Hayden. We stand on his shoulders. We can never thank him adequately. But we can acknowledge all he has meant and ensure that every one understands the central role he has played in the history of this agency.

Steve, you are a legend and a wonder. How lucky we are to have had you as our leader all these years.


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