
广告传播集团:Havas Group 汉威士集团

2012-05-25 19:35:39
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闲来无事,就介绍一下HAVAS(中文:汉威士集团),目前全世界排名第七的广告传播集团。 提到HAVAS,就不能不提到灵智(Euro RSCG),它是Havas的根基。 ///// 灵智整合行销传播集团(Euro RSCG〉 总部设在纽约,在全球75个国家设立超过223个办事处,拥有1万多名员工。 灵智的诞生缘于RSCG与Eurocom S.A.两家公司在1991年的合并,Euro RSCG中的“RSCG”是其四位创始人Roux, Séguela, Cayzac, and Goudard的首写字母组合而成。RSCG则最早可以追溯到Bernard Roux和Jacques Séguéla两人于1970年创办了广告公司-Roux Séguéla。 1994年灵智集团与《广州日报》合资成立灵智大洋广告有限公司,进入中国。在成为独资公司之后,改名为灵智精实。 ///// Arnold Worldwide (中文:阿诺国际传播) 阿诺传播创办于波士顿, 2000年从波士顿来到中国,于上海成立亚洲总部, 成为最令人瞩目的4A新星。 Arnold坚持创意与策略并重, 坚持100%全方位整合传播方案,运用非传统的全球模式,以创意为主导,融合活力、才华、热情、革新、自主,以无限的热诚,点燃对进步的欲望,以不断超越自己的勇敢,面对未来每一个挑战。Arnold的追求:我们希望成为客户的一个策略顾问,在竞争环境中为客户的市场决断提供具有洞察力的资讯;一个专家,能够深入了解消费者的行为和动机;一个久经沙场的创意能手,兼具突出的创意和完备的执行资源;一个保卫者,能够控制整个运作的时间与成本;一个监督人,对市场传播进行全方位的监控;一个探险家和一个情报人员,全面探索最新的传播媒体和发展动向。说到底——一个共同走在市场传播前线的搭档,携手创造一个脱颖而出的品牌。 ////汉威士集团年历 1991. Eurocom acquired the French advertising group RSCG, leading to the creation of the Euro RSCG Worldwide advertising network. 1996. The company changed its name to HAVAS Advertising and created four operating divisions, the largest of which, the Euro RSCG Worldwide network, established its headquarters in New York in 1997. 1999. Médiapolis, the Company’s existing media planning business, merged with MEDIA PLANNING, a Spanish company specializing in media planning and buying, to give birth to the MPG network. HAVAS initially acquired a 45% holding in MPG, increased to 100% in May 2001. Through MPG, HAVAS offers a wide range of media services in major markets worldwide. 2000. HAVAS made a successful bid to acquire Snyder Communications, Inc., and listed American Depositary Shares (ADSs) on the Nasdaq National Market System. 1998-2001. HAVAS adopted an active acquisition strategy to strengthen some of its global markets. In addition to MPG and Snyder, the Group acquired around one hundred specialized agencies in America, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. 2002. The Company changed its name from “HAVAS Advertising” to “HAVAS” by decision of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held on May 23, 2002. September 2003. Strategic restructuring and reorganization of the Group around three core divisions: Euro RSCG Worldwide reinforced in its role as HAVAS’ worldwide network for still stronger development of integrated communications. MPG, HAVAS’ worldwide network for media expertise and traditional advertising and marketing services, continues to develop for the benefit of its own clients as well as those of Euro RSCG Worldwide; Arnold Worldwide Partners which concentrates its development efforts on the US market. 2004. In July, the Bolloré Group acquired a stake in the Company’s share capital. In October, the Company completed a €404 million capital increase. 2005 was a transition year marked by a significant change in the HAVAS management team. 2006. The Company asked NASDAQ to cease listing HAVAS ADSs. This listing came to an end with the opening of the market on July 7, 2006. At the same time HAVAS closed down its ADR program on July 28, 2006. On October 10, 2006, the Company notified the Securities and Exchange Commission of the voluntary suspension of its registration under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934. This registration ended on December 7, 2007. 2007. The MPG network was renamed HAVAS Media. 2009. At the beginning of the year, the Group reorganized into two Business Units*, HAVAS Worldwide and HAVAS Media, in order to promote synergies and further reinforce HAVAS’ positioning as the most integrated group in its sector. Following the pattern of the HAVAS Media reorganization, HAVAS Worldwide will encompass all advertising agencies, marketing services and design. It will bring together all the Euro RSCG network agencies as well as all the independent agencies: Arnold (Boston, New York, Washington, London and Milan), H and W&Cie (Paris), Palm (Montreal) and Data Communiqué (New Jersey). On October 28, 2009, Havas successfully launched a €350 million 5 year bond issue (due in November 2014) with an annual coupon of 5.5%. On November 26, 2009, Havas launched its fi rst TV production unit: Havas Productions. On December 4, 2009, Havas created Havas Event, the Group’s events communication agency in France. 2010. Havas pursued its policy of targeted acquisitions and start-ups based on local partnerships: • in digital with Acmic in India (agreement fi nalized early in 2011), Congruent in the USA and Project House in Turkey; • in public relations: with the acquisition of Porda in Hong Kong, Havas strengthened its leadership in global fi nancial public relations; • in emerging markets: in Russia (in partnership with ADV). 2011. In March 2011, the Board of Directors named David Jones Chief Executive Offi cer of Havas following the resignation of Fernando Rodès Vilà. Alfonso Rodès Vilà was named Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Yannick Bolloré and Stéphane Fouks were named Vice-Presidents of the Group. The Arnold micronetwork continued to expand within Havas Worldwide: Arnold Amsterdam was created to serve as the global hub for its client Volvo; Arnold Furnace was launched in Sydney and Melbourne to serve global clients and a new offi ce was opened in China in September. Arnold also strengthened its UK presence by merging with Euro RSCG KLP. The BETC London agency opened its doors in May, headed by Matthew Charlton (ex Modernistas) and Neil Dawson (ex DDB). Havas pursued its policy of acquisitions and startups with the acquisition of Siren-Communication, a boutique Singapore-based PR agency; a strategic agreement with Chinese healthcare communication agency MedMed; the launch of multicultural marketing agency Totality; startups Camp+KingÊand Socialistic, a US specialized social media and social technology agency; and the acquisition of the Australian agency Host and its sister agency One Green Bean. MPG launched its mobile brand Mobext in Asia, starting with China, Indonesia and the Philippines. Mobext currently operates in eight markets around the world. The Group acquired a new headquarters building in Puteaux in 2011, and the removal took place in January 2012.


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