
Dentsu Consolidates Overseas Operations Into Single Unit- Dentsu Network

2012-04-03 20:10:09
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电通集团昨日宣布,将日本本土以外的运营网络统一在全新的实体,命名为“Dentsu Network”。电通高级副总裁Tim Andree将被任命为Dentsu Network的全球总裁兼首席执行官。

TOKYO- Dentsu Inc. announced that Dentsu operations outside of Japan will reorganize to form a new virtual company called the Dentsu Network. The new structure combines, under a single management team, all companies in the East and West, excluding overseas companies solely engaged in sports marketing and content development. Dentsu Network will launch with 82 operations in 29 countries. As feedback from Dentsu, "Dentsu will divide the countries outside Japan into five areas: The Americas, Europe & Russia, Asia & Oceania, China & Taiwan, and India & MENA. Russia was not included in the former Dentsu Network West group.Dentsu Network West has been absorbed into the new Dentsu Network organization. And all companies in the East and West are included in this new operations, but excluding overseas companies solely engaged in sports and entertainment business." At the helm of the newly formed operation is Senior Vice President of Dentsu Inc., Tim Andree (pictured below), who has been appointed President & CEO of the global Dentsu Network. Previously, he was CEO of Dentsu Network West, the collective established in 2010 to fuel growth in the Americas, Europe and Australia. Dentsu Network West will be absorbed into the new consolidated Dentsu Network. Andree is joined by a core management team of Kunihiro Matsushima, Vice Chairman of Dentsu Network, and Executive Officer of Dentsu Inc.; Tim Pollak, Vice Chairman of Dentsu Network; and Nicholas Rey, Chief Financial Officer of Dentsu Network. “The new organization of our global operations is designed to speed decision-making, accelerate sharing of know-how across geographies, and push more empowerment to the frontlines,” said Ishii. “By doing so, we hope to provide better solutions for our global, regional and local clients.” The new management structure is designed to streamline communication and resources between Network agencies and Dentsu‟s Tokyo headquarters, providing swift accessibility to its extensive and ongoing investment in technology, research and innovation. “Our goal as the newly formed Dentsu Network is to serve more clients, in more markets, more effectively through truly global collaboration,” explains Andree. “We have had the benefit of testing our growth strategy in the western hemisphere through our Dentsu Network Westoperation, and saw the rewards it has brought to all of our agencies and business partners. By combining our power in the East with our rapidly growing operations in the West, there is nothing stopping us from serving our clients in the most dynamic, nimble and resourceful way possible.” Along with the launch of Dentsu Network, Dentsu Inc. has also established two new divisions within its Tokyo headquarters, both reporting to Andree: the Dentsu Network Management Division, which will be responsible for administrative functions, including overall strategy, finance, HR and M&A; and the Global Business Division, which will work to build a framework of solutions, tools and methodologies that improve offerings for Dentsu Network companies and its clients. Dentsu Network will use a newly designed logo that combines Dentsu Inc.‟s current logo design with the word „network.‟ “We chose that word carefully,” Andree said, “because we are an organization that shares information and assists one another with a common purpose—to help our clients succeed in the marketplace.”


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