

2011-12-08 17:45:59
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BBDO has developed a new brand campaign for FedEx explains some of what the company does beyond basic shipping. One recent spot looked at its medical solutions—for example, how it can transport bovine heart tissue around the world in time for a patient's surgery. A new spot suggests FedEx's environmental efforts help save forests. The creative conceit for both ads is to acknowledge up front that the claims may seem far-fetched, more make-believe than reality. So, the spots start out that way, as fictions dolled up with all the clichéd storytelling conventions of the genres they resemble—the medical ad is framed as an action-suspense movie, the environmental spot as a fairy tale. As the ads progress, those conventions are stripped away—the first spot loses its riveting music and special effects, the second its pixie dust and dancing sprites. What's left are unadorned tales about brand innovations that are no less extraordinary, the ads suggest, for their lack of Hollywood drama or Disney charm. CREDITS: Client: FedEx Agency: BBDO, New York Title: "Enchanted Forest" 魔法森林 Chief Creative Officer: David Lubars Executive Creative Directors: Greg Hahn, Mike Smith Executive Producers: Amy Wertheimer, Diane Hill Sr. Creative Director/Art Director: Nick Klinkert Sr. Creative Director/Copywriter: Tom Kraemer Creative Director/Copywriter: Chris Beresford-Hill Executive Music Producer: Rani Vaz Production Company: Smuggler/Psyop Director: Psyop Psyop Creative Directors: Marie Hyon, Marco Spier Director of Photography: Fredrick Elmes Line Producer: Donald Taylor Senior Producer: Crystal Campbell Music House: Human Audio Mix: Sound Lounge Mixer: Tom Jucarone Editor: Cass Vanini Edit House: Psyop Visual Effects House: Psyop Flame: Nick Tanner


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