

2021-07-07 12:40:26
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外媒消息,奥美(Ogilvy)全球首席战略官Ben Richards在效力公司逾11年后正式宣布卸任,开启新的事业。

周二,奥美全球CEO Andy Main在一份声明中将这个消息告知了内部员工。Ben Richards本人证实了这一消息,但拒绝分享新事业的细节。奥美目前正在积极寻找继任者。

Ben Richards补充道,“合作伙伴、投资者以及我本人对于新创企业感到非常激动。”

Andy Main在备忘录中写道,“在奥美的这段时间里,他一直是一位值得许多客户信赖的顾问。他在赢得重要业务方面发挥过重要作用,也帮助过许多人在奥美开启职业生涯。我知道你们都会与我一同感谢Ben Richards对奥美做出的贡献,并在他开始新的冒险时支持他。”

Ben Richards的离职是自去年6月Andy Main加入奥美出任全球CEO以来最新的一次全球高管变动。

今年5月份,李奥贝纳首席创意官Liz Taylor加盟奥美,出任全球CCO。过去一年的其他高管任命包括任命原经纬行动(现为VMLY&R Commerce)的首席财务官Stacey Ryan Cornelius担任奥美全球首席财务官,爱德曼老将Julianna Richter出任奥美公关全球CEO等等。

人才的引进和提拔也伴随着人才流失,一些长期效力奥美的高管也选择了离开。比如,Kate Cronin在奥美健康效力了近10年后,于去年10月升任为全球首席执行官;然而,她于今年6月正式卸任,并出任Moderna的首席品牌官。奥美英国首席执行官Michael Frohlich于3月离职,成为万博宣伟欧洲、中东和非洲的首席执行官。


下附Andy Main备忘录全文:

Hi everyone, 

I am writing to share the news that after over a decade with Ogilvy our Global Chief Strategy Officer Ben Richards will be leaving us later this month to launch a new venture. 

Ben joined Ogilvy in 2010 as Global Head of Integrated Strategy before taking on the CSO role. Throughout his time at Ogilvy, he has been a trusted advisor to many of our clients, played a critical role in winning key pieces of business, and helped many grow their careers here.

Ben has also worked under three different Global CEOs to help shape the company’s business strategy. As many will know, most recently he partnered with talent from across the business to develop and launch Thread, a tool that is already enabling our Go-to-Market and Go-to-Client teams to bring more of Ogilvy’s rich capabilities to the table. Ben’s approach exemplifies how I want us to succeed: by blending strategy, creativity, and technology to create impact and growth for us and our clients.

While he will be leaving us this month, he will always be a part of Ogilvy’s extended family. 

The relationships he has developed globally at Ogilvy are indeed lifelong friendships. I want to personally thank Ben for his partnership and support over the past year. I know you will all join me in thanking Ben for his many contributions to Ogilvy and in rooting for him as he embarks on a new adventure.

The strategy community is incredibly vital to our collective success. While we search for a new leader, I am confident our team of 1,500+ strategists will continue to enable us to deliver world-class, insights-driven creative solutions for our clients across all of our businesses.

As always, drop me an email or a note on WhatsApp if you have any questions.

Stay well, 

ANDY MAIN, Global Chief Executive Officer 


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